The video blog I couldn't find was on the BBC- it's a program called Click and presented by Kate Russell who gives tips on new web applications and they publish a video each Friday to the net. It's worth a look.
I thought I'd have a look at the Library and Information Technology Association website- don't ask me why, or what came over me to do such a thing, but I did and I headed straight to their Blog link where I read this story. The post was about "Top Technology Trends for the American Library Association Annual Meeting"
What caught my attention and what I could relate to was the following points:
Visually appealing websites- wow what a novel idea! Costly I'm sure but too important to ignore.
Mobile phones/iPhones - Telephone enquiries being taken and answered with text messages? Yes. Requesting a book by mobile phone or sms on the way to the library to save waiting for a book? Yes. A mobile phone browser friendly website.
Social Networking - Using these tools to connect our clients and our unique content is just waiting to happen.
OK, that's all for now.