Monday, May 5, 2008

Social Networks and more...

It's the last week....... in some ways it's taken a long time and in other ways I'd like this to continue... to learn (more) and apply all these different types of tools in a creative way.
What about mobile phone technologies? 3G Networks are going to become common place and the library has time to catch up and find ways to utilize these features to it's best advantage for our clients. Anyway..........
To find out more about this photo go here - it's the largest LED display and it's powered by solar energy.
I've added to and organized my RSS feeds on my Bloglines account- where would we be without folders!

I had a look at the Communities of Practice front page- I thought this was pretty good - we need something like that for the Library for sure. The point that this highlighted to me was that a good idea will stand up to criticism otherwise it's probably not a good idea. And yes, the library is not the the only place for good ideas.

I liked this line:"Nonsmoking Capricorn Museum Seeks Networking, Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends" LOL! And i'd be so impressed if Sun O))) played at the library!! All the windows would need to be replaced but it'd be worth it!
The Newsgrist article was interesting- a lot to think about.
I read this post from the Beyond the Hype blog about Kiama Library and how they use blogs for most internal communication and wiki's- this person claimed no-one uses e-mail internally. (a task i will set for myself is to try and familiarise myself with all the tools this guy listed and said they use).

The wiki about 2nd Life was so long- kinda complex really. I'd like to find out more so I can say I gave it a go but it does look time consuming.

The Library can make use of these social networking sites in much the same way as other institutions. I think the opportunities are there....... The team I'm in is Leisure Clients and Tourists - I hope to create a series of blog posts focusing on commonsense tips for Australians who are thinking of going to the Beijing Olympics - stuff like visa's etc.

I've set myself three things to do:

1)Put up a voice message of instructions on how to get a book

2)Idea: for Leisure team to make a blog post of links related to the Beijing Olympics.

3)Find out more about the (web 2) tools used @ Kiama Library.


slnsw_learning_2.0 said...

Congratulations on sticking with it and finishing week 12. You have some great ideas for projects and we'd be really interested to hear about how it goes.

Mylee (PLS)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the mention on your blog. I am the librarian that has introduced the blog and wiki as internal services and they work very well. I am happy to help anyone to rid themselves from the curse internal email.